Categories: Sustainability


ISO loggor 2024

First Cargo has undergone the annual certification in ISO 9001 and 14001, as well as the verification in ISO 26000.

We use ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 26000 for several important reasons:

Improved quality and customer satisfaction: ISO 9001 helps us ensure that our services are of high quality and meet our customers’ expectations, including by having efficient processes in place.

Environmental responsibility: By working with ISO 14001, we can identify and manage environmental risks, reduce waste and pollution, and use resources more sustainably. All to minimize the impact on the planet.

Social responsibility: By adhering to the ISO 26000 standard, we can contribute to the well-being of society, promote fair working conditions, respect human rights, and support sustainable development.

ISO systems help us become more efficient, sustainable and responsible, which benefits not only ourselves but – to an even greater extent – customers, society and the environment.

More about our overall sustainability work here…