Reducing Our Climate Impact

Reducing our impact. Now.

The atmosphere knows no national borders. If you reduce your own emissions or someone else’s, it makes no difference to the climate. The most important thing is additionality. That you’re doing something that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

We want to reduce our impact within our value chain. And since we do not own the trucks, that impact is in Scope 3. Until 2023, we have benefited from the high Swedish reduction obligation and got our long-distance hauliers to fill up with Swedish diesel in Sweden before heading south. As the reduction obligation was lowered to the EU minimum in January 2024, we have instead found other solutions to reduce CO2 emissions to the same extent.

In order to get the most emission reduction for the investment, we have chosen emission reduction within our value chain, through insetts.

Our first venture was buing insetts in upstream fuel production, certified by 3rd party actors and garanteed to omit emissions through new technology. This way, leaking greenhouse gases at oil wells are turned into electricity and energy for the oil rig, in this specific case in Indonesia. Before, the leaking gases were eighter burnt – through flaring – or just left to merge into the atmosphere.

Last summer, in 2024, we chose to focus on reducing transport emissions through a model where the climate benefits of renewable fuels – in this case RME – are credited to us, but are used by another entity. RME stands for Rapeseed Methyl Ester, which is a type of biodiesel made from rapeseed oil. This RME has been produced in Sweden and used locally.

Since our long haul road transports cannot be converted to electricity or fully biodiesel right now, we have decided to invest in the global environment right now, instead of waiting for some future solution.