Initiatives We Support
Giving something back to society
We have been fortunate to see our business grow and prosper over the years. It seems right that we should give something to those less fortunate. We support a number of initiatives including non-profits working for young people that need to find a place in society. We cannot mention them all, but these are a few exemples.
Initiatives we Support
Ågrenska is a national competence center for rare health conditions/diagnoses and other disabilities. They are an idea-based organization that is run without a profit interest. The business is beautifully located on Lilla Amundön, just south of Gothenburg. At Ågrenska, children, young people and adults with disabilities, their families and professionals have the opportunity to meet, increase their knowledge and share their experiences with others. The operations are a complement to the support provided by the state, municipalities and regions. Read more…
Nattvandrarna Sweden was founded in 1989 and is the oldest organization in the country with the aim of night walking, creating security in society and acting as adult role models for young people. The purpose and goal of night walking is that there should be adult role models, humane support and social security among young people who move outside in the evenings and nights. Read more…
Sweden’s largest street newspaper started in Göteborg in 2001. The homeless or those in social exclusion can sell the newspaper and earn money. The sellers buy it for SEK 50, sell it for SEK 100 and keep the difference. It’s more than just sales; it’s about responsibility, routines and social community. Faktum also works to raise awareness of homelessness and social exclusion. Read more…
This initiative was founded in 2004 to counteract bullying and abusive treatment. With the help of lectures and free teaching material, they have trained thousands of teachers and in recent years we have also put a lot of focus on creating films. Two of them, Escape and Autografen, have been awarded prizes. A third film is in the works. Their idea is to provide all schools in Sweden with free materials. The issue of bullying is far too important to be de-prioritized due to the poor finances of schools. Read more…
Project in Biskopsgården, Gothenburg
The work with social sustainability and inclusion is a task that requires cooperation between business, the public sector and civil society. First Cargo Sweden AB are members of the West Swedish Chamber of Commerce and support their project in Biskopsgården in Gothenburg, an area that is on the police’s list of particularly vulnerable areas. The goal is for business to come together and create positive social change. More and more companies are joining the venture, and together we can make a big difference. Read more…
The Carnival of Hammarkullen
The carnival in Hammarkullen was started by young people and adults at Hammarkullen’s leisure park. The first spring carnival was organized in 1974 and since then has been an annual tradition that has developed into a multicultural family celebration. The carnival lasts for three days at the end of May and is a joint affair for all of Gothenburg. First Cargo helps with transport to the carnival. Read more…