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Categories: Business



Dear friends, by friends we mean all of you, suppliers, customers andcolleagues who have helped us in big and small ways over the years.Always did his best to make the often complex system we are a part ofwork. For just over 23 years, we have together shown that it is possibleto conduct business on reasonable terms for everyone without sacrificing quality. Working to ensure that we leave a slightly smaller footprint on our environment has for a long time been a driving force.

That time would pass quickly is not obvious. When we look back on this almost quarter of a century since the beginning, we have managed to do an incredible amount. From an office with four people to three offices with roughly 30 colleagues, you realize how much time and energy has been used. It has been a relatively easy journey. When we are praised (it happens) for being good, we usually say that we are good at two things; find good suppliers and talented employees. It is not more more difficult than that.

With the years also comes an older age, which shows not least on the owners. Not because we have to, not for the money, not because we can’t bear it, not to secure jobs or for that matter assignments for our partners, but because we want it to be fair for everyone, we have come to the conclusion that we have reached the end of the road. The end of the road for the four of us as owners of First Cargo Sweden AB with the daughter company in Madrid, First Cargo Transitarios SA. After pushing and shoving the issue for several years, the solution is quite simple, we sell.

Many questions may appear
Now, however, all the questions appear, questions that keep one sleepless, give rise to great anxiety and stress. What will happen to everyone who is FirstCargo? Hundreds of people who get their income or parts of it from what we produce together. Here, we have done a really deep and thorough investigation in order tocome up with, in our opinion, a very good solution after many months.

BHS Logistics with roots in the Danish heartland on Bornholm has been able to match all our wishes. They stand for much we believe in in the form of good valuesin matters of sustainability for people and the environment. The business is conducted on very good value bases and with the highest quality. We former owners are convinced that all of you, our stakeholders, will find yourselves well at home in the new First Cargo, the name lives on, the spirit remains and most of us who already work here today will remain.

First Cargo operations will continue unchanged under the auspices First Cargo part of BHS Logistics, just as two of our owners, Thomas Lindström and Johan Almén , will continue in the company, while Leif Johnsson will retire. Our fourth co owner, Sven Algholm, recently died after a longer illness. He will be dearly missed by the staff, clients, suppliers and other contacts. The ownership change does not entail changes to organization customer relationships or terms.

Our intention is to quickly have the opportunity to offer you more services in new markets. Services that in the long run mean that we become more, not fewer. We are here for you, call, email or stop by and we will continue to develop together.

Wishing you a Happy 2024!

Transports with a touch

Thomas Lindström, CEO
First Cargo Sweden and Spain

Press release January 3, 2024 BHS acquires First Cargo and accelerates internationelly

BHS Logistics forvarvar First Car go och utökar internationellt

Nota de prensa 240103: BHS adquiere-First-Cargo

For more information:

Morten Studsgaard, owner and CEO, BHS Logistics, +45 56 93 15 15
Thomas Lindström, part founder and CEO, First Cargo, +46 31 354 2002

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