Fredrik Friman left First Cargo on August 24, and was thanked by all of us at a joint lunch. The company presented Fredrik with a watch in CO2-free steel and the colleagues gave gift cards for golf equipment and a “body flight”, a good rum, glasses and flowers from the staff. We wish Fredrik the best of luck with his new city, accommodation and new job!
What exciting things are you going to do now, Fredrik?
– Now I’m going to pack my bags and head to Stockholm for new challenges, I’ll stay in the same industry but with a new employer.
What do you take with you from the First Cargo era?
– During my roughly five years at First Cargo, I have learned a lot, in fact everything I know in freight forwarding. I’ve also had the pleasure of a lovely work environment, nice colleagues and my incredibly monotonous lunch boxes.
What is First Cargo to you?
– First Cargo is a place that is constantly developing on many different levels, and it has been fun to be able to contribute with what I could. Overall, it has been a positive and rewarding work experience that I will remember with gratitude.