Goda nyheter!
First Cargo Sweden AB har fått sin egendeklaration SIS/TS 2:2021 till SS-EN ISO 26000:2021, verifierad enligt SIS/TS 3:2021, den 13:e Juni 2022, som intygas av VERIFY Agency of Sweden AB.
Deklarationen visar på̊ organisationens samhällsansvar för att maximera bidraget till hållbar utveckling.
First Cargo Sweden AB has received its own declaration SIS / TS 2: 2021 to SS-EN ISO 26000: 2021, verified according to SIS / TS 3: 2021, on 13 June 2022, which is certified by VERIFY Agency of Sweden AB.
The declaration points to the organisation’s social responsibility to maximize the contribution to sustainable development.